You are a true success when you help others succeed.

Andé Hegge - Award

Successful entrepreneurs stimulate economic growth all over the world. EY Entrepreneur Of The Year is one of the world's most prestigious awards for entrepreneurs. It is the first international award for entrepreneurs who, with clear visions and good leadership qualities, build successful companies. The competition is held at regional, national and international level in more than 140 cities in more than 60 countries. An external independent jury assesses entrepreneurs according to the criteria of entrepreneurial spirit, economic development, strategic direction, impact on the outside world, innovation and personal integrity and influence. The competition started in the USA in 1986 and in Sweden the award began in 1995. At the national final, the winners are selected for the main prize EY Entrepreneur Of The Year, the category awards Female Shooting Star of the Year, Male Shooting Star of the Year and SEB's Award for Best International Growth, as well as the Honorary Social Entrepreneur of the Year award.

EY is proud to award Andé Hegge this recognition.

The finalists in the regional finals of EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Sweden 2021 were selected by six external independent jury groups.

Region Öst Eva Schlyter, chairman of the jury and CEO Ståhl Invest i Norrköping AB, David Modig, CEO Modig Machine Tool AB and national winner 2020, Jacob Nilsson, CEO Axjo Group AB, Mattias Weinhandl, owner Weinhandl Holding AB, Peter Hellgren, CEO and founder Consid AB, and Sara Hillbom, CEO and founder Psykologpartners.

Region Svealand Linda Take, chariman of the jury and CEO Mericon AB, Pauline Grindvall, CEO My Perfect Day, Fredrik Stenman, CEO Inkubera, Camilla Carlgren Berg, owner Paloma in Sweden AB, Louise Sköld, owner HT Hairextension AB, Gerald Engström, chairman and owner Systemair, Anders Wall, CEO and owner Dormy Golf & Fashion AB.

Region Väst Johan Trouvé, chairman of the jury and CEO Västsvenska Handelskammaren, Magnus Larsson, founder Pinchos, Malin Persson, board professional, Victor Halvarsson, CEO and founder VANBRUUN AB, Magnus Dafgård, vice president Gunnar Dafgård, Klementina Österberg, CEO GU Ventures.

Region Syd Mia Rolf, chairman of the jury and CMO Wihlborgs Fastigheter, Peter Areskog, CEO Areco Steel AB, Elisabeth Brevenson, CEO Brakeson AB, Per Hidenius, member Hypergene AB, Göran Hellström, CEO Navet AB, Alexander Wachtmeister Da Silva, owner Telavox AB, Lena Holst, CEO STARKA AB.

Region Stockholm Pernilla Ramslöv, chairman of the jury and founder NOX Consulting AB, Kristina Lindhe, CEO and founder The Lexington Company, Patrik Andersson, entrepreneur and investor Serneke Group, Noel Abdayem, CEO and founder The Humble Co. AB, Douglas Roos, chairman of the board VO2 Capital, Siduri Poli, entrepreneur and co-founder Changers Hub.

Region Norr Ragnhild Backman, chairman of the jury and CEO Backmans Fastighetsutveckling AB, Jonas Olert, owner Olert Holdingkoncernen, Petter Mikaelsson, founder Kung Fu Invest AB, Niklas Jonsson, CEO Norrlandsfonden, Sofia Ekström, partner and CEO Ekström Invest AB.

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